Professional Suite

Full system with support for all business needs and an unlimited number of website administrators. Includes Databases, E-Commerce, Community and Statistics add-on modules. Please click on the links below for more information about the features of the Professional Suite and see the Asbru Web Content Management system User Guide for full details.

Website Administration

  • 100% Browser-based website administration.
  • An unlimited number of website administrators.
  • Website Administration Toolbar for full & easy access to all functionality.
  • Browse & Edit your website directly.
  • Enable/disable individual website administration features.
  • Context Sensitive Help.
  • New Rebrand the system with your own company name and logo.

Website Content Editor

  • Edit and format your content in a powerful WYSIWYG Editor.
  • Insert Flash Animations, Java Applets, links and downloadable files.
  • Copy/Cut & Paste and Drag & Drop content.
  • CSS Style Sheet formatting of your content.
  • Spell Checking in 44+ languages.
  • Import & Clean content from Microsoft Word.
  • Table Editing.
  • Form Editing.
  • Plain Mode with table, image and form guidelines.
  • DOM Inspector, which displays HTML tags when you are editing in WYSIWYG mode.
  • Raw HTML mode for unlimited HTML and JavaScript programming flexibility.
  • Add features to the editor on a user by user basis.

Templates and Graphic Design Styles

  • Website Content Templates to get you started quickly.
  • Graphic Design Templates - 150+ designs to choose from.
  • Graphic Design Styles - Support for CSS Style Sheets.
  • Default Templates & Style Sheets with website-wide effect.
  • Different Templates & Style Sheets for various sections of your website.

Website Content

  • Manage primary content in Content Pages.
  • Reusable modular Content Elements to insert into Pages and Templates.
  • New RSS Channel Delivery of Website Content.
  • Automatic random content rotation to give your website more diversity.
  • Media Library with access to manage media content.
  • Define image & file formats allowed to be uploaded to your website.
  • Website Search functionality to enable visitors to search your website.
  • Contact Forms to receive e-mails from website visitors.
  • Guestbook to receive feedback from website visitors.
  • Meta Information for search engine support and search engine ranking optimisation.
  • New Dublin Core Metadata and other custom meta information.

Website Navigation

  • New Dynamic multi-level navigation menus.
  • New Bread crumb trails.
  • New Dynamic website structure sitemaps.
  • Define Content Relations between website Pages.
  • Generic navigation links using Content Relations.
  • Create automatic or semiautomatic slideshow presentations.

Dynamic List Functionality

  • Automatically generated lists of content to create image galleries, news lists, offers etc.
  • List Groups & Types of pages, images, files, links and products.
  • New List content updated before or after a given date or time.
  • New Display custom attributes in lists.
  • New Style and format your lists.
  • New Determine how to navigate lists.

Website Content Categorisation

  • Categorise and browse website content by Types and Groups.
  • Create any number of content categories.

Website Content Staging

  • Create & update content for later publishing.
  • Schedule content for future publishing and expiration.
  • Preview content & website before it is published.
  • Publish updated content as and when required.
  • Checkout content for editing so no other administrator has access to update.
  • Checkin content after editing to allow other users access to update.

Website Content Revision History, Archiving and Audit Trail

  • Revision History descriptions for updates to website content.
  • Date/Time Stamping for all content creation, updates and publishing.
  • Archiving of revisions to any type of content.
  • Audit Trail using automatic content archiving.
  • Retrieving & restoring archived revisions of website content.
  • Manage archived website content.

Access Restrictions and Publishing Workflow

  • Website Administrators with access to manage content.
  • Delegate responsibilities for website content.
  • Delegate website administration tasks.
  • Set permissions for Pages, Elements, Templates, Style Sheets, Images, Files & Links.
  • Support existing business processes with advanced Workflow Engine.
  • Workflow Engine fully integrated with access permissions system.
  • Personal Workspace for all website administrators.

Restricted Areas and User Database Administration

  • User Database for managing registered users.
  • Public/Restricted website content or content sections.
  • Website content with access restricted to certain registered user types or groups.

Multi-Lingual /Multi-Version Website Content

  • Website Content Editor support for international character sets.
  • Multi-lingual or other types of Multi-version website content.
  • Define your own content Versions/Languages.
  • Versions for any content class including Pages, Elements, Templates, Images etc.
  • Website visitors can select their personal Language/Version preference.
  • Alternate Versions for all content or just for selected content.
  • Automatic display/download of preferred version/language.
  • Language/Version depending on Website Domain Name.


  • Micro-Websites for different Internet Domain Name Addresses.


  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) login for access to manage content.
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) login for access to restricted areas of your website.
  • E-mail monitoring of web content management system login attempts.

User and Search Engine Friendly Website Addresses (URLs)

  • User friendly static website addresses (URLs) / filenames for published pages.
  • Search engine friendly website addresses (URLs) with URL-Rewriting.


  • Product Catalogue where all products are defined, described and managed.
  • Product Templates with full control over the presentation of products.
  • Shopping Cart collects your customer's items for purchase.
  • Checkout collects invoice, delivery, shipping and payment details from your customers.
  • Tax Rates for a wide range of tax regimes.
  • Shipping Rates to handle different delivery destinations, order sizes and products.
  • Payment Processing enables you to accept payment online through an Internet payment service provider.
  • Order Confirmation provides your customers with an order confirmation by email.
  • Order Notification is emailed to your sales/order department for processing.
  • Order Tracking enables you to change the details and update the status for each order.
  • Multiple Currencies handling with automatic currency exchange for your product prices.
  • Multi-lingual/multi-version e-commerce websites with different currencies and automatic currency exchange.


  • User Registration enables users to register on your website.
  • Personal Web pages for registered users.
  • Personal Preferences for registered users.
  • Guestbooks give users access to post feedback to you and other users.
  • Message Boards give users access to post messages on various topics of interest.
  • Discussion Forums give users access to discuss topics of interest.
  • Weblogs give users access to comment on topics of interest posted by you periodically.
  • Email Mailing Lists functionality enables you to send emails to registered users.
  • Product Reviews to give website visitors access to post and share reviews of your products.


  • Display Database Data in a format that fits your requirements.
  • Browse & Search - Enable visitors to browse & search the content of your databases.
  • Create Databases with as many fields and field types as you require.
  • Manage Database Content through your website.
  • Collect Data from your website users through forms for advanced surveys etc.
  • Personalised Data Extraction to enable users to see data that are specific to them.
  • Display Data in Restricted Areas to enable registered users to see database content.
  • Database Access Restrictions to delegate creation, editing and deletion of content.
  • Import and Export Data to and from your content databases.


  • Real-Time Usage Statistics directly from within the web content management system.
  • View Summary Statistics for visitor activity on your website.
  • Drill down to visitor activity in content sections and on individual page level.
  • Monitor Media Activity including downloading of files from your website.
  • Analyse popular paths through your website and the paths of individual visitors/hosts.
  • Analyse entry and exit pages to evaluate the efficiency of your website.
  • Monitor registered visitors' activity on your website.
  • Track referrals of visitors to your website from external websites.
  • View key phrases & keywords that direct users of search engines to your website.
  • Analyse which of your e-commerce products are most popular.
  • Monitor visitor activity over time to see improvements in exposure of your company.
  • Monitor, which countries your website visitors come from.
  • See which operating systems and browsers your website visitors use.
  • Configure website statistics access restrictions and data collection criteria.

Custom Programming APIs and Integration

  • Custom / Third-Party Add-On Modules.
  • Custom / Third-Party Extensions to include External Content on Your Website.
  • Custom template/script programming API.

Support, Updates and Upgrades

  • Free online support.
  • Free and easy access to software updates.
  • Downloads.
  • Enterprise Suite or Hosting Edition upgrade.

Our Customers Icon


Asbru Web Content Management v12.2 available now.
(.NET, PHP and JSP/Java versions).
Personal, Small Business, Professional and Hosting Edition web content management software for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Unix.

Asbru E-Commerce, Community, Databases and Statistics Add-On modules v12.2 available now.
(.NET, PHP and JSP/Java versions).
E-Commerce, Community, Databases and Statistics Add-On modules for the Asbru Web Content Management system software.

Asbru Website Manager v11.1.3 available now.
(ASP and PHP versions).
Ready to use and easy to use, cross-browser and cross-platform website manager software for updating your website pages using only your web browser.

Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.3 available now.
(ASP, .NET, ColdFusion, PHP and JSP/Java versions).
Cross-browser and cross-platform WYSIWYG HTML editor for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape and Safari on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Unix.

Affiliates & Partners
Volume discounts available to end-users, web designers, web developers, web hosting providers, system integrators, software vendors and resellers. Please Contact Us.